Created in 2016 by Katrina Larkin and Enrico Sanna, FORA is a set of high-end coworking spaces. Designed with comfort in mind, they seek to promote inspiration, well-being, and therefore efficiency in the modern workplace.




Fora set up its first workspace at the Old Street offices on Central Street. The company has been growing fast and already has 15 offices in central London and Reading as of 2022.


In the Borough Workspace, located not far from the Shard (London’s highest building), the large Francis mirrors that Constance Guisset’ designed for Petite Friture add a playful and poetic touch to the bathrooms. As described by their very designer, the blue or pink watercolour splashes are a study of « explosive and evanescent colour combinations”. Mounted individually or in sets of three, they add a touch of joy.

miroir Francis - Fora miroir Francis - Fora
collection Francis - Petite Friture & Fora collection Francis - Petite Friture & Fora





In the Clerkenwell FORA coworking space on Dallington St, in the heart of Clerkenwell, a white set of Weekend outdoor furniture by the BrichetZigler Studio adorns the rooftop area with a beautiful view of the City and the Shard.


The reception area is also home to ISO A and ISO B side tables by the Pool Studio.

Week end - rooftop Week end - rooftop
  • terrasse Fora - Week-end

    Weekend collection on the roof of the Fora coworking spaces

  • terrasse Fora - collection Week-end

    Weekend table and chairs

  • Table Week-end blanche

    Week-end white table

  • Chaise Week-end sans accoudoirs blanche

    Weekend chair without armrests

  • Chaises Week-end blanches

    Week-end white chairs

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  • Brichet Zigler

    Brichet Zigler collaborates with furniture and lighting publishers, and works on industrial design projects, assisting companies in the development of new products.
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